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A New Direction in Healing for Individuals, Couples, and Families
Finding Your Mission

The discontent, unhappiness, and lack of fulfillment we feel at times are the gnawing reminders that we came here to do and be more. It may be time to jostle the spiritual memory.

In your daily contemplation, begin by asking: "What did I come here to learn?" Write down your question and keep it lightly in your mind as you go about your day. Repeat the question before you fall asleep at night. Watch your dreams, and make notes of any insights and answers that come.

In a few days, when you feel ready, move to the next question: "What did I come here to do?" Let go of any preconceptions. The simplicity of the answers may surprise you. When we ask something of Spirit, we must ask in a relaxed and gentle way, curious, trusting, and sincere. By asking in a relaxed way, we are opening ourselves to receive knowledge that is already within us.
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